Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's a Girl!!!

I'm 25. I have a wife, a daughter, my wife is expecting, and we have two dogs. Do you want to know what I don't have? A full-time job, benefits, a savings account, a retirement account, a house, or any plans for the future. This is my story; I hope you are as interested in reading it as I am in living it. If not, forgive me. As you know, we have a daughter and are expecting another child. My wife found out she was pregnant when my daughter was about 9 months. She was not ready to birth another child at all. I think she is now (glory to God). I was not ready to have the first (the aforementioned lack of everything that I "ought to have before starting a family"). I am absolutely ready to have number two, and cannot wait to meet it. Of course, I bought into the idea of the nuclear family and was fully expecting to have a football player coming into the world. I do not know a lot, but let me tell you what I do know. I know that God doesn't necessarily care about a nuclear family, and I know that my plans are not always in my best interest. You know how I know these things? Because... it's a girl. Of course, If God cared about the nuclear family; I would have a football player coming into the world in early June (proof). I planned on having a boy; I had everything planned...already. Of course he was going to be a football player, I love football. He was going to be named after me and this really cute name that my wife and I picked out. There really is no point in mentioning it, he doesn’t exist. See, I am not the only person who doesn't know what is best; my wife is on board with the nuclear family too. We were going to have a boy, a girl, two dogs, and live happily ever after. As it turns out, we will still have the girl(s), two dogs, and live happily ever after (Romans 8:28). I guess two cheerleaders will work, I think I can still get into most of the important games for free. So, how do I know that my plans are not always in my best interest? Two reasons, 1) The Bible; Romans 8:28 (God's plan always works for good for those who are called according to his purpose), Jeremiah 17:9 (who really knows how deceitful and wicked the human heart is?), and the fact that it's a girl. You see, since I don't have a full-time job, it is going to be increasingly difficult to provide for my family. This means it will be incredibly difficult to buy another wardrobe to clothe both of my kids as they grow, but... Since it's a girl, they can share clothes! Praise God for His rich benefits and glorious provisions. You see, not only does God not care about the nuclear family, and not only are all of my plans tainted, but God has a perfect plan, and all I have to do is obediently trust Him for all of my provisions.