Tuesday, August 24, 2010

pray at all times and don't lose heart

This one has been with me for a couple of weeks, but now it seems more important...

Luke 18:1-8

This is a parable that Jesus uses to "show that at all times [we] ought to pray and not lose heart"

Jesus tells us that there is a judge in a certain city who neither fears God or respects man. A widow in that same city continually comes to the judge to ask for legal protection against her adversary. Since the judge does not fear God or respect man, his continual response is "no."

Then the parable continues...

After this persistent widow's constant pleas with the judge, he decides to give in to her request. He gives in, not based on his integrity or his desire to help or do good, but he gives her the legal request she asks for solely to keep himself from being "worn out" by the woman.

Jesus' following commentary tells us that God will "bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night."

A couple of things resonate with me today. First, the persistence of the woman in the face of certain rejection. How quickly I give up! When I see the slightest hint of resistance to my desire, I often throw my hand in the air, say "oh well" and move on to the next thing... not this woman. She continues to "wear the judge out" with her request.

How much more quickly I give up when I feel like God isn't going to answer my prayer. But the parable teaches that persistence pays, and that God "will bring about justice for [His elect] quickly."

The other thing that resonates with me today is probably more convicting. The last line in the passage says "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

"Surely," we say, "He will find faith on the earth when He returns." My question is, will He find the kind of faith that this widow exhibits in my life when He returns.

I confess, not lately. I repent. I turn to my LORD and ask, "God give me the faith to pray at all times and not to lose heart."

Lord, you know what I am dealing with today. Lord you know that I cannot do anything to make any of these situations any better. Lord you know that my heart is not to change circumstances or situation, but my desire is for you to change hearts. God, I pray today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, that You will do your work in my life and the lives of those around me involved. God I trust, I have faith in You, that You will do what You say You will do, that You will "bring about justice quickly." I pray to you knowing your character, your desire, and your love. I also pray to you knowing that there is nothing I can do. God, Help! Amen.