Friday, May 29, 2009

when is enough enough?

Just to start things off, and catch everybody up, I do not like Obama. I think he is spineless and ignorant to the real world. I think he is a great speaker with nothing to say worth listening to. I think he got in on many factors that have nothing to do with his ability to lead a country. I think he is too vague to be trusted, and I think he is too popular to be liked. I do trust a sovereign God in his election, and cannot wait to see the real legacy that is left by Obama. I am afraid that the United States of America will not be able to recover from the mess he is getting us in, but I am not worried since this is only my temporary residence.
That being said, I just read a headline to an article on google news that Obama has vowed to create a government agency for cybersecurity to control the federal database that is apparently under constant attack. I have many problems with this. I am tired of every response to every problem being, "lets just have the government deal with it...oh the government doesn't do that?..well, lets just create a new government agency that does."
How dumb. Hey, Obama, you don't have to solve all the problems. You can't solve all the problems. We don't want you to solve all the problems. Get over yourself and your big government.
Here is another one for you, consider it a bonus: I think Obama and all the Marxist left politicians are using the size of government to compensate for something. There it is, I said it. I think they recognize all of their inadequacies and have collectively decided that in order to compensate for their inability to preform in various areas of their life, they will just make the government that much bigger, and that much more powerful, and that much more intrusive, and that much more obnoxious.
Okay, I'm on a roll: the only sector that has shown a financial increase during this time of recession is the government. At first, this may offer the illusion that the government must be the only place that things are being done right. Then it hits you, the government is the only organization that is allowed to steal from its clients. They are literally allowed to threaten each and every one of us, at the risk of jail time (at least) if we do not pay them what they think they deserve. When will enough of us wake up and stop electing people who are going to steal more money from us? Do you not realize that we give them permission to do this? I'm finished.

Monday, May 25, 2009


A formal apology is in order. As it turns out, the Loganville Tribune does recognize talent when they see it, and while I do not agree with putting such a beautifully crafted letter off for a week, I am sorry for jumping to conclusions and judging the quality of your paper too soon. If you didn't figure it out, my letter did make the paper this past Friday (a week after I expected it to). Congrats to both the Loganville Tribune and me!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, since I was misinformed about my letter making the paper, I decided that a career change was in order. As of June 1, I will be employed at a Little Caesars pizza pizza restaurant! I am going back to my roots, and boy is it exciting. I went yesterday for 'on the job training' to make sure I still had "it". I think I have most of "it", but I am a little rusty. The rust coupled with the fact that the store layout is backward from what I am used to made it interesting, but I apparently did something right. I got the gig after all! There are some exciting opportunities with this job, but I don't want to jinx them by talking about it. For now, just know that it will provide sufficiently for my family, as well as allow me to do some things that I enjoy doing (like writing). I am excited to get back to something I know and am good at. It is also refreshing to enter a domain that I have dominated in the past, already having the respect of some of my co-workers and not having to 'prove' myself. I think it gives me a good platform to silently witness for Christ. My favorite aspect of the job is that I will be working with a guy that knew me from the old days. He has already, repeatedly, verbally acknowledged the change in me. I just can't wait until he is able to experience the change for himself! He is such an encourager and has a kind spirit, to count him as a brother in Christ would be a wonderful blessing to the kingdom!
trying to serve faithfully,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Letter to the Editor

I wrote a letter to the Loganville Tribune, it will be in Friday's paper:

After reading the “Letter to the Editor” from Friday's paper, I think it is important that we consider a claims that has been made against Judge Brownlow. Vicki House wrote a complaint into the newspaper because her daughter had been penalized for breaking the law. Her qualm seemed to be with the Judge and the severity of the punishment he handed down. Mrs. House said, “he may think he is saving lives, but he is teaching kids and parents to disrespect the court system.” I have a problem with this statement. It incorrectly places the responsibility and blame in the wrong place.
The statement assumes that it is Judge Brownlow's responsibility to teach people to respect the court system, and then blames him for not delivering. Mrs. House, how much time have you given Judge Brownlow to work with your family on respecting the court system? If the answer is anything like “well, he had that day I was sitting in the court room refuting a traffic citation,” then you cannot blame him for the results. To clear things up, it is the judges responsibility to make sure that people are justly punished for breaking the law, which I believe he is doing.
It is, has always been, and should always be a parents responsibility to teach respect to their children. The fact that 'passing the buck' is commonly practiced does not allow us to excuse it as a problem. It's like speeding; just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you won't get in trouble for it. I think it is very dangerous to teach children that it is okay to completely disrespect authority. Whether or not you agree with what the authority is doing is largely irrelevant. I assure you that there are many times in life when people think they are being punished too severely for doing something wrong. That does not mean it is okay for us to rebel and disrespect the authority that is doing the correcting. Just obey the law.

yeah, free press!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

sports rant

Today is overcast and gloomy. The Hawks and Braves both lost last night, and Bret Favre may not be finished playing after all.

Braves first... I was really excited about baseball this year. I am a Braves fan, have been as long as I can remember. My first memory is Jeff Blauser (and his chin) laying a bunt down the third base line. He was thrown out, and they went to commercial break. That was back when the Braves, and only the Braves, played on TBS. Things have certainly changed. I am not sure that the same kind of 'station to station' baseball is popular or effective anymore. That is too bad.

The point is, I was excited about this season because the Braves seemed to be going back to what worked: pitching and defense. Wrong. I have avoided baseball for two years, and this was going to be my breakout year, but I am continually disappointed by blown leads, blown opportunities, and blown big time acquisitions. Last night they had an opportunity to tie the game or take the lead, bases loaded, not tonight. Lets see how the Hawks do in their first second round playoff appearance in 10 years.

I do not like basketball. Never have, probably never will. I think that may go back to being a Georgia fan and really never having anything to cheer for, but it may also be because I am short and white. Who knows? Anyway, I did not, and do not have high expectations for the Hawks. They are in the playoffs for the second time in a row. That's great. They took the Celtics to the seventh game last year, that's great. They got trounced by LeBron last night. Not so great.

And now... new for the 2009 NFL off season... Favre watch!!! Let's just see if he is really going to come back and play against his beloved Packers twice a year. More on that later.

stay tuned