Friday, May 29, 2009

when is enough enough?

Just to start things off, and catch everybody up, I do not like Obama. I think he is spineless and ignorant to the real world. I think he is a great speaker with nothing to say worth listening to. I think he got in on many factors that have nothing to do with his ability to lead a country. I think he is too vague to be trusted, and I think he is too popular to be liked. I do trust a sovereign God in his election, and cannot wait to see the real legacy that is left by Obama. I am afraid that the United States of America will not be able to recover from the mess he is getting us in, but I am not worried since this is only my temporary residence.
That being said, I just read a headline to an article on google news that Obama has vowed to create a government agency for cybersecurity to control the federal database that is apparently under constant attack. I have many problems with this. I am tired of every response to every problem being, "lets just have the government deal with it...oh the government doesn't do that?..well, lets just create a new government agency that does."
How dumb. Hey, Obama, you don't have to solve all the problems. You can't solve all the problems. We don't want you to solve all the problems. Get over yourself and your big government.
Here is another one for you, consider it a bonus: I think Obama and all the Marxist left politicians are using the size of government to compensate for something. There it is, I said it. I think they recognize all of their inadequacies and have collectively decided that in order to compensate for their inability to preform in various areas of their life, they will just make the government that much bigger, and that much more powerful, and that much more intrusive, and that much more obnoxious.
Okay, I'm on a roll: the only sector that has shown a financial increase during this time of recession is the government. At first, this may offer the illusion that the government must be the only place that things are being done right. Then it hits you, the government is the only organization that is allowed to steal from its clients. They are literally allowed to threaten each and every one of us, at the risk of jail time (at least) if we do not pay them what they think they deserve. When will enough of us wake up and stop electing people who are going to steal more money from us? Do you not realize that we give them permission to do this? I'm finished.

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