Sunday, July 11, 2010

an unheralded anniversary

This isn't the kind of thing you go to Hallmark for, or get flowers or gifts. It's more like a day of reflection, the way some people view New Years Day. A day to gauge where you are in life, where you have been, and where you are going.

I don't think I am capable of explaining in great detail what happened to me six years ago yesterday, but I know I have been different ever since.

John Piper does the best job I have encountered in handling the theology of the Biblical evangelical Christian conversion (which is, to my knowledge, what I experienced) in his book "Finally Alive."

Before July 10, 2006, I was a 'normal' 20 year old kid. Drugs were more important than dignity, partying was more important than tomorrow, and my life was more important than anyone else's.

Today marks six full years that I have been different. A few years ago I would joke that I was "one of those Christians." You know, the weird kind who people talk about with disdain because they are so comfortable with their faith that they make everyone else feel uncomfortable. That was me.

I was once told by someone that "one day [I] will plateau. [I] will reach a point where [I am] no longer learning new things and [I] will be able to relate to everyone better." The context had to do with my new faith rubbing people the wrong way because I was so passionate about what God had just done in my life. "One day," I was told, "you will get along better with people because God will be less important to you."

Sadly, in many ways, that prophecy has been fulfilled. I have plateaued. I have become so comfortable in my world, in my faith, that I let opportunities pass by. I don't rub nearly as many people the wrong way by sharing truth. Sometimes I find that I feel awkward when people want to talk about God.

Father, forgive me for my complacency. Use this anniversary to renew a right spirit in me; one guided by you, for your glory, and to your end. In the precious name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Praise God for His Love and Mercy in my life that has brought me from certain death to life everlasting in His presence.

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